Customer Acquisition Strategy : Example & Types
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Customer Acquisition Strategy : Example & Types

Simmons Bennett
Simmons Bennett
March 20, 2024
Last updated on:

March 20, 2024


Read time: 5 mins

A customer acquisition strategy is a comprehensive plan that helps businesses attract prospects and convert them into customers. It encompasses various tactics and channels tailored to effectively reach and engage target audiences. By implementing effective customer acquisition strategies, businesses witness tangible benefits over time. These benefits include customer base expansion, revenue boost, and sustainable growth. They also help capitalize on opportunities to target specific market segments, differentiate themselves from competitors, and establish brand awareness and credibility.

Therefore, in today's competitive landscape, where customer acquisition costs are rising, an effective acquisition strategy is essential for businesses. With this, businesses can optimize their marketing efforts, allocate resources effectively, remain competitive, and achieve a positive return on investment. 

This blog aims to discuss five proven types of customer acquisition strategies and help businesses gain actionable insights to attract and convert new customers.

According to a report published by the Direct Marketing Association in association with The Media Octopus, 57% of marketers say Customer acquisition is the most important part of their marketing.

Understanding Customer Acquisition Strategy with a Case Study 

Netflix provides a compelling example of a customer acquisition strategy for startups. The company follows a data-driven approach to identify target audiences based on viewing habits and preferences and utilizes personalized recommendations and targeted marketing campaigns across various digital platforms. By continuously analyzing user behavior and optimizing content recommendations, Netflix enhances engagement and subscriber retention. The strategy includes creating original content to attract new subscribers and retain existing ones, thereby expanding their global subscriber base significantly. Moreover, Netflix invests in user interface improvements and customer service innovations to ensure a seamless user experience, fostering customer loyalty. This comprehensive approach propels Netflix to become a leader in the streaming industry. It demonstrates how robust customer acquisition strategies drive sustained growth and market dominance in a competitive digital landscape. (Source: AI Data & Analytics Networks)

How can Businesses convert visitors into customers effectively?

Converting visitors into repeat customers requires a systematic approach. For this, businesses should focus on creating compelling content, optimizing website design for user experience, offering incentives or promotions, providing clear calls to action, and nurturing leads through personalized communication channels.

‘7 Effective Ecommerce Trust Signals to Convert Visitors into Customers’.

5 Effective Customer Acquisition Strategies

Here are the effective customer acquisition strategies you should implement to scale your business.

Strategy 1: Pay-Per-Click Advertising

PPC advertising is one of the most dynamic customer acquisition techniques. It allows businesses to display ads on diverse platforms like search engines and social media. This strategy allows for precise targeting, enabling businesses to reach audiences actively seeking their products or services based on keywords, demographics, and interests. With comprehensive analytics and tracking tools, businesses can monitor campaign performance in real-time, optimizing ad spending for maximum returns. Also, by capitalizing on PPC, businesses can boost brand visibility, drive relevant traffic to their website, and cultivate qualified leads. Through strategic keyword selection, compelling ad content, and astute bidding strategies, PPC empowers businesses to enhance their customer base and revenue streams efficiently.

Tips to Utilize PPC for Customer Acquisition 

  • Targeted Keyword Selection: Choose relevant keywords aligned with your audience's search intent to ensure your ads are displayed to the right audience. This enhances the chances of engagement and conversions.
  • Compelling Ad Copy: Craft persuasive ad copy highlighting your unique value proposition and include clear calls to action to attract users to click on the ads and visit your website.
  • Landing Page Optimization: Prepare optimized landing pages that offer a seamless user experience and are tailored to match the messaging of your PPC ads. This increases the likelihood of conversion once users land on your site.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Optimization: Monitor the performance of your PPC campaigns regularly and make adjustments to optimize performance. Test different ad variations, targeting options, and bidding strategies to improve ROI and maximize results over time.

What are Customer Acquisition Strategies: Key Formula

The formula for customer acquisition strategies typically involves understanding and optimizing the following key components. This framework for customer acquisition strategies help businesses develop a structured approach to acquire customers effectively while maximizing growth and profitability.

  • Identify Target Audience: Define and segment your target audience based on demographics, behaviors, and preferences.
  • Reach: Determine the best channels and methods to reach your target audience effectively, such as digital marketing, social media, content marketing, and advertising.
  • Engage: Develop compelling messaging and offers to engage your audience and encourage them to interact with your brand.
  • Convert: Design clear and intuitive conversion paths that lead prospects from initial interest to making a purchase or signing up for a service.
  • Retention: Implement strategies to retain customers and encourage repeat purchases or engagements, such as loyalty programs, personalized communication, and excellent customer service.
  • Measure and Optimize: Continuously monitor and analyze key metrics like conversion rates, customer lifetime value (CLV), cost per acquisition (CPA), and return on investment (ROI). Use these insights to refine and improve your customer acquisition efforts over time.

Strategy 2: Content Marketing 

Content marketing is one of the most crucial customer acquisition tactics that offers businesses a platform to deliver valuable and relevant content across various channels. This approach involves creating informative blog posts, articles, videos, and more to engage and educate target audiences. Businesses establish themselves as industry authorities by consistently providing valuable content, fostering trust and credibility among their audience. This trust leads to increased brand loyalty and, ultimately, customer acquisition. Moreover, content marketing drives organic traffic to a business's website, improving search engine rankings and visibility. Through strategic distribution and promotion of such content, businesses expand their reach and attract new prospects to their brand.

Effective Content Marketing Techniques for Customer Acquisition 

  • Audience Research: Conduct extensive research to understand your target audience's needs, preferences, and pain points. Use this insight to generate content that resonates with them and addresses their specific challenges.
  • Compelling Storytelling: Craft engaging narratives that captivate your audience and evoke emotion. Share stories that illustrate your brand's values, mission, and unique selling propositions to establish a deeper connection with potential customers.
  • Visual Content Creation: Utilize visually appealing content formats such as videos, infographics, and images to capture attention and convey information easily. These types of visual content always tend to perform better on social media and increase engagement with your brand.
  • Content Personalization: Tailor your content to your audience segments' individual preferences and interests. For this, use data-driven insights, product suggestions, and content offerings that resonate with each customer.
Customer Acquisition Metrics
Image 1 - Customer Acquisition Strategies: Key Metrics

Customer Acquisition Strategy for Startups

Customer acquisition strategy for startups includes content marketing, SEO, social media, email campaigns, etc. For example, using PPC ads provides immediate traffic, while offering lead magnets helps collect contacts. Additionally, engaging in networking events and encouraging customer reviews enhances credibility, driving growth and building a strong customer base. Also, implementing referral programs and strategic partnerships can expand their reach to a wider customer base.

Strategy 3: Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a fundamental customer acquisition strategy. It revolves around optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). By implementing SEO tactics, businesses aim to increase their online visibility and attract organic traffic from search engines. An effectively designed SEO enhances website relevance and authority through various techniques such as keyword optimization, content creation, and link building. These customer acquisition tactics help businesses improve their chances of ranking for relevant search queries. Furthermore, SEO involves technical optimizations to improve website performance, user experience, and mobile-friendliness. Therefore, by adhering to SEO best practices, businesses guarantee that their website is easily discoverable by potential customers.

SEO Best Practices for Customer Acquisition

  • Keyword Research: Perform comprehensive keyword research to find relevant search terms and phrases utilized by your target demographic. Use Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush, etc, to uncover high-volume keywords characterized by low competition.
  • On-Page Optimization: Optimize your website's on-page elements, including titles, meta descriptions, headings, and content, to align with your target keywords. Ensure that each page provides valuable and relevant information to users while also being optimized for search engines.
  • Mobile Optimization: Optimize your website to be mobile-responsive, ensuring seamless user experience across all devices. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites in search results. Therefore, mobile optimization is crucial for both SEO performance and user satisfaction.
  • Link Building: Create high-quality backlinks from reputable websites within your industry to improve your website's authority and visibility in search engine results. Focus on earning natural, relevant links through strategies like guest posting, influencer outreach, and content promotion.

A study by EngineScout found that featured snippets and "People also ask" boxes got 35.1% and 6% of total organic clicks, respectively.

What are the Four Pillars of Ecommerce Customer Acquisition Strategy?

The four pillars of customer acquisition strategy for ecommerce encompass comprehensive approaches to attract and convert prospects into loyal customers.

  • Target Audience Identification: Defining ideal customer profiles based on demographics, behavior, and needs.
  • Effective Marketing Channels: Utilizing diverse channels such as social media, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, email campaigns, and advertising ensures reaching prospects where they spend time online.
  • Lead Nurturing: Engaging prospects who show interest with relevant content, personalized communications, and timely follow-ups to guide them through the buying journey and build trust.
  • Conversion Optimization: Streamlining the sales process, optimizing website usability, A/B testing, and analyzing customer data help increase conversion rates.

Strategy 4: Email Marketing

Email marketing is another crucial, pivotal customer acquisition strategy for businesses. It utilizes the power of personalized communication to nurture relationships with prospects and change them into customers. Through targeted email campaigns, businesses deliver relevant content, promotions, and updates directly to subscribers' inboxes. Email marketing includes building and segmenting email lists based on subscriber interests, demographics, and behaviors. Tailoring content helps businesses deliver more personalized and engaging messages and drive higher engagement and conversions. Moreover, email marketing offers unparalleled tracking and analytics capabilities. This allows businesses to calculate the campaign effectiveness of their campaigns in real-time. By monitoring open rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics, businesses optimize their email strategies for maximum impact and ROI.

Best Ways to Craft Email Marketing Campaigns for Customer Acquisition 

  • Define Your Goals: Clearly outline your objectives for the email marketing campaign, whether to drive website traffic, promote a product or service, or generate leads.
  • Segment Your Audience: Divide the list of emails into smaller, targeted segments based on demographics, behaviors, or preferences. This allows you to customize your messages to specific audience segments for higher engagement and conversion rates.
  • Personalize Your Emails: Use merge tags to customize your emails with recipients' names and other relevant information. It increases engagement and makes recipients feel valued and understood.
  • Create Compelling Content: Craft attention-grabbing subject lines and engaging email content that offers value to your subscribers. Also, use a mix of informative articles, promotional offers, and visual content to keep recipients engaged.
Customer Journey Towards Acquisition
Image 2 - Customer Acquisition Strategies: A Roadmap

What are the Steps Involved in a Customer Acquisition Funnel?

The customer acquisition funnel guides the process of converting prospects into customers through strategic stages:

  • Awareness: Create brand awareness via content marketing, social media, and SEO.
  • Interest: Engage prospects with email campaigns, webinars, and compelling content.
  • Consideration: Encourage prospects to view your product as a solution with demos, testimonials, and personalized outreach.
  • Intent: Motivate purchase intent through discounts, clear CTAs, and interactive support.
  • Evaluation: Help prospects decide with detailed information, trials, and expert endorsements.
  • Purchase: Convert with a smooth checkout and onboarding process.
  • Loyalty: Foster repeat business through loyalty programs, personalized service, and community engagement.

Strategy 5: Influencer Marketing 

Influencer marketing is one of the best customer acquisition techniques. It utilizes the authority and reach of influential individuals within specific niches or industries. By collaborating with influencers, businesses leverage their credibility and engage audiences to promote their products or services. However, for this, businesses need to identify relevant influencers whose audience aligns with the business's target market. Through these strategic partnerships, businesses tap into the trust and authenticity that influencers have built with their followers and effectively amplify their brand message. Moreover, influencer marketing provides a unique opportunity for businesses to reach new audiences and attract targeted traffic to their website or landing pages.

Tips to Use Influencer Marketing for Customer Acquisition 

  • Identify Relevant Influencers: Research and identify influencers in your industry or niche whose audience aligns with your target market. Look for influencers with engaged followers and a genuine connection to your brand.
  • Set Clear Goals and Objectives: Define objectives for your influencer marketing campaign, whether to enhance brand awareness, generate website traffic, or lead and sales.
  • Develop Authentic Partnerships: Build genuine relationships with influencers based on mutual trust and respect. Approach them with personalized messages that demonstrate your interest in collaborating and highlight the value you can offer.
  • Align Content with Audience Interests: Collaborate with influencers to create engaging content that reflects their audience's interests and preferences. Also, ensure the content aligns with your brand messaging and marketing goals while maintaining the influencer's authentic voice.

What is Customer Acquisition Strategy Framework?

A customer acquisition strategy framework outlines the systematic approach to attracting and converting new customers. It typically includes:

  • Target Audience Identification: Define and understand your ideal customer profile.
  • Channels Selection: Choose the most effective channels to reach your target audience (e.g., digital marketing, social media, SEO).
  • Messaging and Positioning: Develop compelling messaging that resonates with your target audience's needs and pain points.
  • Campaign Execution: Implement campaigns across chosen channels, focusing on lead generation and conversion.
  • Measurement and Optimization: Track and analyze campaign performance metrics to optimize strategies for continuous improvement.
  • Retention and Upsell: Plan strategies to retain acquired customers and encourage repeat business or upselling.


As technology continues to advance, acquisition strategies are expected to evolve. Innovations such as AI, analytics, and automation are likely to reshape how businesses attract and engage customers. Furthermore, changes in consumer behavior, such as preferences for online shopping and personalized experiences, will influence how businesses reach their target audience. Additionally, shifts in market dynamics, such as emerging competitors or economic trends, will impact the effectiveness of traditional acquisition strategies. 

Therefore, businesses must adapt to these evolving factors by embracing new technologies, understanding changing consumer preferences, and staying agile to remain competitive in acquiring and retaining customers. This is where relying on a third-party partner becomes imperative. These partners will provide the expertise and flexibility needed to adapt and stay competitive in acquiring and retaining customers.

At Invensis, we implement business specific customer acquisition strategies to help businesses streamline their customer acquisition processes. Our customer acquisition solutions have assisted our clients to scale operations efficiently, respond quickly to their customers' changing demands, and optimize costs. Contact us to stay competitive and multiply your customer count significantly with our expert customer acquisition services.


  1. What are the three parts of customer acquisition solutions?

Customer acquisition solutions involve three main parts: Awareness, where potential customers learn about a product or service; Consideration, where they evaluate options and compare offerings; and Conversion, where they become paying customers through purchase or subscription.

  1. What is a user acquisition strategy plan in CRM?

A user acquisition strategy plan in CRM outlines approaches to attract and convert prospects into customers. It involves identifying target audiences, implementing marketing campaigns, nurturing leads, and optimizing sales processes to maximize conversions and grow customer base efficiently. These user acquisition strategies may work when implemented as a stand alone solution or when blended to develop business specific solution. 

  1. What is a customer acquisition strategy in CRM?

A customer acquisition strategy in CRM is the effective use of data-driven approaches to attract and convert potential customers. It includes identifying target audiences, optimizing marketing efforts, personalizing communications, and leveraging sales automation tools to enhance engagement and streamline the onboarding process. These customer acquisition ideas drive growth and revenue for businesses.

  1. What are the key strategies for customer acquisition?

Key strategies for customer acquisition include defining target audiences, creating compelling marketing campaigns, utilizing digital channels effectively, nurturing leads through personalized communication, optimizing conversion funnels, and providing exceptional customer experiences to encourage repeat business and referrals.

  1. What is customer acquisition management? 

Customer acquisition management refers to the methods employed to handle prospective customers and leads generated through marketing efforts. It acts as the link between advertising initiatives and customer relationship management and facilitate the process of acquiring new customers effectively and efficiently.

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