Top 6 Accounts Payable Automation Trends to Watch in 2024
 Finance & Accounting

Top 6 Accounts Payable Automation Trends to Watch in 2024

Rick Johnson
Rick Johnson
September 21, 2023
Last updated on:

September 21, 2023


Read time: 7 mins

Accounts Payable Automation is undergoing a transformative evolution driven by technological advancements and changing business landscapes. In today's dynamic environment, staying informed about the latest AP automation trends is essential for businesses seeking to streamline processes, reduce costs, and enhance financial agility. 

These emerging trends reshape how organizations manage payables, promising improved efficiency, accuracy, and sustainability. This blog will delve into the exciting realms of Accounts Payable Automation Trends to watch in 2024.

According to a report by FutureMarketInsights, the accounts payable automation market is expected to reach US$ 6.7 billion by 2032.

Accounts Payable Trends to Watch in 2024

Here are the top trends you need to watch in accounts payable automation: 

Trend 1: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning are reshaping the accounts payable landscape. They streamline processes by automating tasks such as data extraction from invoices, purchase order matching, and anomaly detection while reducing errors and processing time.

These technologies provide valuable insights through data analysis, optimizing cash flow management, and vendor relationships. This transformation enhances AP processes' efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness, making businesses more agile and competitive.

They also improve fraud detection by analyzing historical data and identifying irregularities or suspicious patterns in invoice submissions, helping prevent fraudulent transactions. 

Furthermore, these technologies ensure data accuracy by cross-referencing information across various documents, reducing the risk of discrepancies and costly mistakes in accounts payable records.

Many companies are hopping on these technologies to transform their AP process. They Have benefited significantly from AI-driven automation in accounts payable. 

With its Cognitive Procurement Assistant, some technology-driven companies have reduced processing time by more than 70%. They have implemented AI to automatically process invoices, leading to faster payments and reduced manual effort. Both cases demonstrate how AI enhances efficiency, cuts costs, and enables better financial management, making it a valuable asset in modern accounts payable operations.

Ways AI & ML Transforming Accounts Payable
Image 1 - Ways AI & ML Transforming Accounts Payable

Trend 2: Blockchain in Accounts Payable

Blockchain technology holds immense potential for secure and transparent accounts payable transactions. It offers a decentralized ledger system where all transactions are recorded in a tamper-proof manner. This guarantees transparency and minimizes the risk of fraud. 

Blockchain also streamlines supplier verification by creating a secure, immutable database of verified suppliers, reducing the need for manual checks. Smart contracts within blockchain automate payment processes when predetermined conditions are met, streamlining AP operations. 

This eliminates discrepancies and disputes, making the process faster and more accurate. Furthermore, blockchain enables real-time tracking of transactions, providing an audit trail that enhances trust and accountability in financial transactions.

Blockchain in accounts payable is revolutionizing the processes across industries. For instance, a global retailer uses blockchain to automate supplier verification and invoice reconciliation, reducing errors and fraud. 

In healthcare, a hospital network employs blockchain to streamline medical supply procurement, ensuring secure and transparent transactions. Additionally, a multinational corporation utilizes blockchain to expedite cross-border payments to international suppliers, saving time and reducing transaction costs. 

These examples showcase how blockchain's transparency, security, and automation capabilities enhance efficiency and trust in accounts payable operations.

What is accounts payable performance?
Accounts payable performance measures the efficiency and accuracy of a company's payment processes, including invoice processing, vendor management, and compliance, impacting financial stability and vendor relationships through key metrics. Read our blog “ Key account payable performance metrics for businesses” to know more about it.

Trend 3: Integration with ERP Systems

Seamless integration between accounts payable automation and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems is crucial for businesses. It enables real-time data synchronization, improving accuracy and efficiency in financial processes.

Automating tasks like invoice processing and payment reconciliation reduces manual effort and errors. This integration also enhances visibility into financial data, allowing for better decision-making. Ultimately, it streamlines operations, ensures compliance, and optimizes cash flow management, contributing to the organization's overall financial health.

Real-time data synchronization between accounts payable automation and ERP systems streamlines processes, such as invoice validation and boosting efficiency. Ultimately, it leads to better financial control, reduced operational costs, and a more agile response to changing business conditions, contributing to improved overall business performance.

For example consider an automotive company which integrated accounts payable automation and ERP system The company streamlined its accounts payable processes through ERP integration. It achieved real-time data synchronization by linking its accounts payable automation with the ERP system, enabling seamless invoice processing, payment tracking, and reconciliation. 

This integration reduced manual workloads, errors, and delays. Consequently, the automotive company experienced improved efficiency, enhanced cost control, and greater financial visibility. This example shows how ERP integration can revolutionize accounts payable in the automotive industry.

AP Automation & ERP Integration Steps
Image 2 - AP Automation & ERP Integration Steps

Trend 4: Mobile Accessibility

Mobile accessibility in accounts payable is increasingly vital for modern businesses. It allows authorized personnel to access financial data, approve invoices, and monitor payment status from anywhere, enhancing workflow efficiency and responsiveness. 

This flexibility facilitates faster decision-making and keeps operations running smoothly, especially in remote work environments. With the growing reliance on mobile devices, ensuring accessibility in accounts payable automation ensures businesses can adapt to evolving work patterns and maintain productivity.

Mobile apps like SAP Concur and provide on-the-go invoice approvals and tracking. Users can review invoices, verify details, and approve payments securely from their smartphones or tablets. These apps sync with accounting systems, ensuring real-time updates. Additionally, tools like Expensify streamline expense management and integrate seamlessly with accounts payable, allowing users to capture receipts and forward expense reports on the go. These mobile solutions enhance efficiency and agility in financial processes.

Let's understand this with a real-life example. Consider a procurement manager working remotely due to unforeseen circumstances. A critical supplier sends an invoice with discrepancies that need immediate attention. With mobile accessibility in accounts payable automation, the manager can swiftly access the invoice details, highlight the issues, and communicate with the supplier via the integrated chat feature. 

This quick resolution prevents payment delays, minimizes disputes, and maintains the supplier relationship, all while the manager works from a location outside the office. Mobile accessibility ensures seamless operations even during unexpected disruptions.

Trend 5: Enhanced Security Measures

Robust security measures are significant in accounts payable automation. They safeguard sensitive financial data, prevent fraud, and ensure compliance with regulations. In an era of cyber threats, secure systems protect against unauthorized access and data breaches, preserving a company's reputation and financial stability. 

Implementing encryption, access controls, and regular security audits is vital to instill trust among stakeholders and maintain the integrity of financial processes in today's digital landscape.

Data encryption plays a key role in securing accounts payable automation. It transforms sensitive financial information into unreadable code, making it inaccessible to unauthorized individuals. On the other hand, multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds multiple layers of security by asking users to offer multiple forms of identification before accessing financial data, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. These measures, alongside advanced fraud prevention algorithms, help detect and prevent fraudulent activities, ensuring that financial processes remain secure and compliant with regulatory standards. 

Imagine a cybercriminal attempting unauthorized access to an accounts payable system. With robust security measures in place, sensitive financial data is encrypted, rendering it unintelligible to the hacker. 

To proceed further, the attacker needs to bypass multi-factor authentication, which typically involves providing a password and a code sent to the user's mobile device. The system's fraud prevention algorithms constantly monitor suspicious activities, promptly detecting and blocking the intrusion attempt. These security measures collectively safeguard financial processes, preserving data integrity and thwarting potential threats.


The accounts payable landscape is poised for transformation. As businesses increasingly embrace cutting-edge technologies, we stand at the threshold of an era marked by efficiency, accuracy, and financial agility. The trends in accounts payable automation are a vision of streamlined operation and better financial practices. Hence, businesses should embrace these as accounts payable is evolving, and it's a future filled with promise and possibilities.

At Invensis, we have harnessed the power of technology to help you overcome tedious manual tasks and embrace the future of financial agility and accuracy. Contact us to revolutionize your financial operations with our accounts payable services.  

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