Balance Sheet vs. Income Statement: Learn Key Comparisons and Usage
Finance & Accounting

Balance Sheet vs. Income Statement: Key Differences and Usage

Rick Johnson
Rick Johnson
November 21, 2023
Last updated on:

November 21, 2023


Read time: 5 mins

A Balance Sheet and an Income Statement are two fundamental financial documents that serve distinct yet complementary roles in providing a comprehensive picture of the company's financial situation. These statements are not interchangeable but are essential tools for assessing different aspects of an organization's financial health and performance.

A balance sheet is a financial document or statement that displays a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific time, providing a snapshot of its financial position. An income statement, on the other hand, summarizes a company's revenue, expenses, and net income over a specified period, typically a fiscal quarter or year, providing insights into its profitability.

To navigate the intricate world of finance and accounting, it's imperative to grasp the fundamental differences between these two financial statements, balance sheet vs. income statement, and know precisely when and why to use one over the other.

This blog delves into these crucial financial statements, highlighting the key disparities between them and, most importantly, guiding you on when and why you should utilize one over the other.

According to Fortune Business Insights, the projected growth of the global financial analytics market is significant. It is anticipated to increase from $9.68 billion in 2024 to $23.04 billion by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.5%.

Balance Sheet vs. Income Statement: A Comparison

Here are the primary differences between the two financial statements balance sheet vs income statement:

Balance Sheet Income Statement


The key purpose of a balance sheet is to show what a company owns (assets) and owes (liabilities) at a given moment. It offers a static view of a company's financial health.

The income statement focuses on a company's profitability during a defined period. It shows how much revenue the company earned and the costs and expenses incurred to generate that revenue.


Balance sheets are typically created at the end of a reporting period, like a fiscal quarter or year. They reveal the cumulative effect of a company's financial activities over time.

Income statements are prepared for regular intervals, such as quarterly or annually. They show the dynamic aspect of a company's financial performance.


It consists of three main sections: assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity. Assets are listed in order of liquidity, and the equation Assets = Liabilities + Equity must always balance.

An income statement comprises three key sections: revenues (sales or services), expenses (operating and non-operating), and the resulting net income (profit or loss).


Balance sheets are typically disclosed less frequently than income statements. They provide valuable information for investors and creditors to assess a company's liquidity, solvency, and overall financial stability.

Income statements are frequently reported to provide insights into a company's financial performance. They are vital for assessing operational efficiency, identifying trends, and making informed decisions.

Measuring Performance

While balance sheets can indirectly reflect a company's financial performance (through changes in equity over time), their primary focus is on financial position and stability.

Income statements directly measure a company's performance and profitability over a specific time frame. They help investors and management evaluate whether the company is generating profits and how efficiently it operates.

What are the 4 main types of financial statements?

The four significant financial statements are the Income Statement (Profit and Loss), which summarizes revenues and expenses; the Balance Sheet, showing assets, liabilities, and equity at a point in time; the Cash Flow Statement, tracking cash movements; and the Statement of Shareholders' Equity, detailing changes in equity over a period.

To learn more about financial statements, read our blog, ‘Key Financial Statements for Effective Management.’ such as:

Balance Sheet vs. Income Statement: An Example

Let us take an example to understand the difference between a balance sheet vs. income statement.

Imagine you own a small bakery called "Sweet Treats". You've been operating for one year, and you want to prepare financial statements to understand your business's financial health.

Income Statement (Profit and Loss Statement):

The income statement shows the bakery's performance over a specific period (e.g., one year). It reports the bakery's revenues and expenses, culminating in net profit or loss.

Income Statement for Sweet Treats (Year Ending December 31, 2023):


  • Sales Revenue: $150,000


  • Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): $60,000
  • Rent: $24,000
  • Utilities: $6,000
  • Employee Salaries: $30,000
  • Supplies: $5,000
  • Depreciation: $2,000
  • Marketing: $3,000
  • Insurance: $1,000

Total Expenses: $131,000

Net Income (Profit):

  • Revenues - Expenses = $150,000 - $131,000 = $19,000


  • Revenues are the sales made by the bakery.
  • Expenses are the costs incurred to run the bakery, including COGS, rent, utilities, salaries, etc.
  • Net Income is the profit after subtracting expenses from revenues. Sweet Treats made a net profit of $19,000 for the year.

Balance Sheet:

The balance sheet shows the bakery's financial position at a specific point in time (e.g., December 31, 2023). It reports the bakery's assets, liabilities, and owner's equity.

Balance Sheet for Sweet Treats (As of December 31, 2023):


  • Cash: $15,000
  • Accounts Receivable: $5,000
  • Inventory: $10,000
  • Equipment (net of depreciation): $20,000
  • Supplies: $2,000

Total Assets: $52,000


  • Accounts Payable: $8,000
  • Loans Payable: $20,000

Total Liabilities: $28,000

Owner's Equity:

  • Owner's Capital: $5,000
  • Retained Earnings: $19,000 (from the net income of the year)

Total Owner's Equity: $24,000

Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity: $52,000


  • Assets are resources owned by the bakery (e.g., cash, inventory, equipment).
  • Liabilities are obligations the bakery owes to others (e.g., accounts payable, loans).
  • Owner's Equity is the owner's claim on the assets, calculated as assets minus liabilities.
  • The balance sheet must be balanced, meaning total assets must equal total liabilities plus owner's equity.

How to read and understand a balance sheet?

A balance sheet provides a snapshot of a company's financial position at a specific point in time. It includes assets (what the company owns), liabilities (what it owes), and shareholders' equity (the difference between assets and liabilities). Assets are typically listed first, followed by liabilities and shareholders' equity. The balance sheet equation (Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders' Equity) must always balance.

When to Use a Balance Sheet

Here are some common situations in which you should use a balance sheet:

  • Assessing Financial Health: A balance sheet is invaluable for assessing a company's financial health. It allows stakeholders to see a company's assets, liabilities, and equity, helping them determine if the company is solvent and capable of meeting its obligations.
  • Investment Decisions: Investors use balance sheets to evaluate a company's financial stability and growth potential. By examining the asset composition and debt levels, they can make informed investment decisions.
  • Creditworthiness: Lenders and creditors use balance sheets to evaluate a company's creditworthiness. A strong balance sheet with healthy asset-to-liability ratios can increase a company's ability to secure loans or favorable credit terms.
  • Business Valuation: When buying or selling a business, a balance sheet is crucial for determining its fair market value. It provides insight into the company's tangible and intangible assets and liabilities, helping in negotiations.
  • Strategic Planning: Balance sheets are essential for strategic planning. They help businesses identify areas for improvement, allocate resources efficiently, and set financial goals.
  • Compliance: Many regulatory and accounting standards require businesses to maintain and disclose balance sheets. Proper use of balance sheets ensures compliance with these standards.

Impacts of Not Maintaining a Balance Sheet: A Case Study

The importance of the balance sheet is exemplified in the case of Lehman Brothers. The company, a global financial services firm, filed for bankruptcy in 2008, marking the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history. The company's balance sheet revealed excessive leverage and toxic assets, primarily subprime mortgage-backed securities. Despite reporting substantial profits, the balance sheet's hidden risks and liabilities went unnoticed by many investors and regulators. The collapse highlighted the critical importance of a transparent and accurate balance sheet for assessing a company's financial health. It underscored the necessity for businesses to maintain clear, honest records of assets, liabilities, and equity to provide stakeholders with a true picture of financial stability and to prevent catastrophic failures. (Source: Investopedia)

Key Deliverables from a Balance Sheet
Image 1 - What Does a Balance Sheet Reveal

How to read and understand an income statement?

An income statement, also known as a profit and loss statement, shows a company's revenue, expenses, and net profit over a period. Start by examining the revenue at the top, then subtract the cost of goods sold (COGS) to get the gross profit. Next, subtract operating expenses to find operating income. Finally, consider taxes and other expenses to determine the net income.

When to Use an Income Statement

Here are some common situations in which you should use an income statement:

  • Performance Evaluation: Use an income statement to gauge how well your business is performing financially. It provides a summary of revenue, expenses, and net profit, giving a clear picture of whether the company is making money or incurring losses.
  • Financial Planning: Income statements are valuable for budgeting and financial planning. By analyzing past income statements, you can make informed predictions and set realistic financial goals.
  • Investor and Stakeholder Communication: Shareholders, potential investors, and other stakeholders rely on income statements to understand a company's financial health. It provides transparency and insights into the company's ability to generate profits.
  • Creditworthiness Assessment: Lenders and creditors use income statements to assess a company's ability to service debt. A strong profit margin and consistent profitability increase the chances of obtaining favorable credit terms.
  • Cost Management: Income statements help identify cost trends. By analyzing expenses, a business can pinpoint areas for cost reduction and optimization.
  • Tax Compliance: When preparing tax returns, an income statement is essential. It outlines taxable income and forms the basis for calculating income taxes owed.

Importance of Accurate Reporting in a Business - A Case Study

This case of Tesla highlights how businesses rely on accurate financial reporting to adjust strategies and achieve profitability. In 2019, Tesla Inc. exemplified the critical role of the income statement. Despite robust sales of electric vehicles, Tesla reported a net loss of $862 million. This unexpected shortfall, largely due to high operating costs and production challenges, caused investor concern and a 6% drop in stock value. The income statement illuminated areas needing improvement, prompting Tesla to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. By 2020, Tesla reversed the trend, reporting a profit of $721 million, underscoring the income statement's pivotal role in guiding strategic decisions and investor confidence.(Source: The New York Times)

Key Deliverables from an Income Statement
Image 2 - What Does an Income Statement Reveal


In the coming years, we can expect real-time or near-real-time financial reporting, thanks to advancements in financial technology and data analytics. Companies will use automated systems to generate these statements swiftly and accurately, enhancing decision-making capabilities.

However, these changes come with challenges. Ensuring data accuracy and security, complying with evolving financial regulations, and adapting to new accounting standards remain critical challenges. Moreover, companies will need to invest in technology and training to make this transition seamless.

Delegating financial reporting to third-party companies can be beneficial for several reasons. They offer expertise, reduce the burden on in-house resources, enhance objectivity, and ensure compliance with changing regulations. Additionally, small business owners do not have to worry about understanding various terms financial terms like balance sheet vs. income statement vs. cash flow statement, etc.

Invensis is a trusted partner in financial analysis and reporting services. We leverage our expertise, experience, and advanced technology to ensure accurate, secure, and timely financial reporting. With a focus on data accuracy, security, and compliance, we provide expertise, relieve the burden on in-house resources, and ensure objective reporting.

Reach out to us today for transformative financial reporting solutions and elevate your business!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the difference between an income statement and a balance sheet?

Understanding the difference between a balance sheet vs. income statement is important for a professional. An income statement summarizes a company's revenues, expenses, and profits over a specific period, reflecting its financial performance. In contrast, a balance sheet provides a snapshot of the company's assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity at a specific point in time, showing its financial position. Essentially, the income statement measures profitability, while the balance sheet assesses financial stability.

2. What comes first, a balance sheet or an income statement?

Typically, the income statement comes first. It calculates the net income for a given period, which is then used in the balance sheet. The net income from the income statement impacts the equity section of the balance sheet, showing how much profit has been retained or distributed. Therefore, understanding the income statement helps in interpreting the balance sheet. It is also importance to understand how they differ between the other balance sheet vs. income statement.

3. What is the difference between income statement vs profit and loss (P&L)?

An income statement and a profit and loss statement (P&L) are essentially the same thing, detailing a company's revenue, expenses, and profits or losses over a period. The term "income statement" is more commonly used in financial reporting, while "P&L" is often used in everyday business contexts.

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