Call Center Workforce Management: Definition, Challenges, and Best Practices
 Call Center

Call Center Workforce Management: Definition, Challenges, and Best Practices

Sophia Williams
Sophia Williams
January 4, 2024
Last updated on:

January 4, 2024


Read time: 6 mins

In 2023, call center workforce management played a significant role in boosting customer satisfaction. They offered agile solutions in the face of ongoing economic uncertainties, including the looming possibility of a recession. They empowered businesses to implement adaptive workforce strategies, effectively addressing fluctuating demands and sustaining service quality during potential downturns.

In 2024, the call center workforce management is all set to become more advanced by integrating technologies like artificial intelligence, automation, and predictive analytics. As a result, customer experience is likely to go several notches up. This blog will explore the top 6 tips to streamline call center workforce management to enhance call center performance in 2024.

As per Verified Market Reports, the 2021 global market size was approximately USD 5.5 billion, which is projected to grow to USD 10.5 billion by 2027, with an 8.5% CAGR from 2023-2027.

What is Workforce Management in a Call Center?

Call Center Workforce Management (WFM) refers to the systematic approach to optimizing the efficiency and productivity of call center operations. It encompasses forecasting call volumes, scheduling staff, and managing daily activities to ensure that the right number of agents with the appropriate skills are available to handle customer interactions.

WFM aims to balance service levels, customer satisfaction, and operational costs by using tools and techniques such as historical data analysis, real-time monitoring, and performance metrics. Effective workforce management helps minimize wait times, reduce staff idle time, and improve overall service quality, contributing to both customer satisfaction and cost efficiency.

To understand call center workforce management, consider a customer service center handling numerous calls daily. The goal is to ensure the right number of agents are available at the right times to handle call volumes efficiently. This involves forecasting demand using historical data and trends and then creating schedules that align agent availability with predicted call patterns. Workforce management also includes real-time monitoring to adjust for unexpected changes, such as sudden spikes in call volume or agent absences.

For example, if data shows peak call times between 9 AM and 11 AM, managers might schedule more agents during these hours. They might also implement tools for real-time tracking to reassign agents if an influx of calls occurs unexpectedly. By balancing workload and staffing effectively, call centers can reduce wait times for customers, improve service quality, and maintain employee satisfaction through fair and manageable schedules.

Call Center Workforce Management Fundamentals

Here are the key fundamentals of call center workforce management:

1. Forecasting

  • Call Volume Prediction: Accurately predicting the number of calls to be received, considering historical data, seasonal trends, marketing activities, and other factors.
  • Pattern Recognition: Identifying daily, weekly, and monthly patterns to predict peak times and ensure adequate staffing.

2. Staffing

  • Headcount Planning: Determining the number of agents required to handle the forecasted call volume, ensuring coverage during peak times, and minimizing idle time during lulls.
  • Skill-Based Routing: Assigning agents to calls based on their skill sets to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.

3. Scheduling

  • Shift Planning: Creating schedules that align with forecasted demand, including breaks, training sessions, and meeting times.
  • Flexibility: Implementing flexible scheduling options, such as part-time shifts, split shifts, and remote work opportunities, to accommodate agents' needs and preferences.

4. Real-Time Management

  • Intraday Management: Monitoring real-time call volumes and agent availability to make quick adjustments, such as reassigning agents or requesting overtime.
  • Performance Monitoring: Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) like average handle time (AHT), service level, and abandonment rate to ensure targets are met.

5. Reporting and Analysis

  • Data Collection: Gathering data on call volumes, agent performance, and customer satisfaction.
  • Analysis: Using analytics tools to identify trends, pinpoint issues, and make data-driven decisions for future planning.
  • Reporting: Generating reports for management to review performance, identify areas for improvement, and strategize accordingly.

6. Technology and Tools

  • WFM Software: Utilizing workforce management software to automate forecasting, scheduling, and real-time management tasks.
  • Integration: Ensuring WFM tools integrate seamlessly with other call center technologies like Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and Automatic Call Distributors (ACDs).

Call Center Workforce Management Team Structure

Here's an overview of a typical call center workforce management team:

  • Manager: Oversees operations, sets goals, and ensures adherence to KPIs.
  • Schedulers: Create daily/weekly schedules, optimize staffing levels.
  • Forecasters: Analyze historical data to predict call volumes and trends.
  • Real-Time Analysts: Monitor real-time performance, make adjustments as needed.
  • Quality Analysts: Evaluate agent performance, ensure service quality.
  • Training Coordinators: Develop and deliver ongoing training programs.
  • IT Support: Maintain technology infrastructure and troubleshoot issues.
  • Reporting Specialists: Generate performance reports and insights.

Challenges in Call Center Workforce Management

Here are the top 4 workforce management challenges faced by call centers:

  • Forecasting Accuracy: Call centers need to accurately predict call volumes and patterns to properly allocate staff. Inaccurate forecasts can lead to understaffing or overstaffing, impacting service levels and costs.
  • Scheduling Efficiency: Creating optimal schedules that align with forecasted call volumes while balancing employee preferences, labor laws, and peak hours is challenging. Poor scheduling can result in decreased agent productivity and satisfaction.
  • Adherence and Absenteeism: Ensuring agents adhere to their schedules and managing absenteeism are ongoing challenges. High absenteeism rates can disrupt operations and increase workload for other agents, impacting service quality.
  • Performance Management: Monitoring and improving agent performance is crucial for maintaining service quality and customer satisfaction. This includes tracking metrics such as average handling time, first-call resolution, and customer satisfaction scores, and providing timely feedback and coaching.

Why is Workforce Management Important in Call Centers? 

Call center workforce management (WFM)  is crucial in call centers as it ensures the optimal utilization of human resources and enhances both operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. This helps workforce managers manage staff schedules, forecast call volumes, and monitor performance. Effective WFM aligns workforce capacity with customer demand, reducing costs and improving service levels. It also plays a pivotal role in employee engagement by providing agents with manageable workloads, fair schedules, and opportunities for professional development. This holistic approach to managing the workforce not only boosts productivity but also fosters a positive work environment.

Let’s get deeper into the importance of WFM in call centers

Optimizes Resource Utilization

  • WFM ensures that the right number of agents are scheduled to handle anticipated call volumes, avoiding situations of understaffing or overstaffing.
  • By aligning workforce capacity with demand, call centers can optimize their resources, minimizing idle time and maximizing productivity.

Enhances Customer Satisfaction

  • With proper staffing levels in place, call centers can reduce wait times for customers, leading to quicker resolutions and improved service quality.
  • Customers experience less frustration and are more likely to have their needs addressed promptly, resulting in higher levels of satisfaction and loyalty.

Reduces Operational Costs

  • Efficient call center workforce management helps avoid unnecessary expenses associated with overstaffing, such as excess labor costs and underutilized resources.
  • Call centers can optimize their staffing budgets and achieve cost savings by accurately forecasting demand and scheduling agents accordingly,

Improves Employee Engagement

  • WFM involves creating fair and balanced schedules for agents, taking into account preferences and skill levels, which leads to higher morale and job satisfaction.
  • Providing agents with manageable workloads and opportunities for professional development fosters a positive work environment which leads to increased engagement and retention.

Enables Performance Monitoring

  • WFM systems track and analyze agent performance metrics, such as call handling times, customer satisfaction scores, and adherence to schedules.
  • By identifying areas for improvement and providing targeted training and coaching, call centers can help agents enhance their skills and deliver better service.

Supports Strategic Planning

  • By leveraging historical data and predictive analytics, WFM helps call centers anticipate fluctuations in call volumes and plan staffing levels accordingly.
  • This strategic approach enables call centers to adapt to changing customer needs, optimize operational efficiency, and stay competitive in the market.
Workforce Management Important in Call Centers
Image 1: Call Center Workforce Planning: An Overview

Effective Call Center Workforce Management Strategies in 2024

Here are some of the integral call center workforce management strategies for 2024:

1. Advanced Scheduling Software

In 2023, call centers adopted advanced scheduling software to manage workforce allocation better. This software assigned the right people to the right tasks, ensuring optimized staffing levels. The predictive scheduling capabilities of the software were especially helpful in dealing with changes in demand and cutting down on operational costs. 

In 2024, this software is expected to become even more powerful with the power of ML and AI. It will empower call centers to proactively manage staffing needs in real-time and boost efficiency levels by leaps and bounds. Some of the most widely used software for advanced scheduling are Dynamics 365, Bitrix 24, Salesforce Service Cloud, Talkdesk, and NICE CXone.

Effective Workforce Management - A Case Study

A great example of how advanced scheduling software helps businesses manage their call center workforce effectively can be seen in the case of Verizon, a renowned telecommunications company. It faced challenges in managing its call center workforce, such as uneven staffing levels, high employee turnover, and inconsistent customer service quality. By implementing advanced scheduling software, Verizon was able to optimize shift planning based on call volume forecasts and employee availability.

The software's real-time analytics and automated scheduling features allowed for better alignment of workforce capacity with demand, reducing wait times and improving service levels. Additionally, the software provided employees with more flexible scheduling options, increasing job satisfaction and reducing turnover. This technological upgrade enabled Verizon to enhance operational efficiency, ensure adequate staffing during peak times, and maintain high-quality customer service consistently. (Source: Verizon Connect)

2. Real-time Monitoring Tools

The integration of real-time monitoring tools in 2023 was a game-changer for decision-making in call centers. These tools provided valuable insights into how agents performed and interacted with customers, which led to an overall improvement in the quality of service. 

As we head into 2024, these tools are expected to have an even greater impact. This year, the tool is expected to be integrated with AI-driven analytics to deepen the understanding of operations and customer behavior. This will collectively lead to better performance management and a more data-driven and agile call center environment. A list of commonly used tools for real-time monitoring include Cloudtalk, Ameyo, Five9, and Nextiva Call Center.

What is quality assurance in a call center?

Quality assurance in a call center involves systematic monitoring and evaluation of customer interactions to ensure adherence to established standards. It aims to improve service quality, identify areas for improvement, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

Read our blog, ‘Call Center Quality Assurance Best Practices,’ to know the best ways to improve quality in call centers.

According to a study by Forrester, real-time monitoring and analytics can boost CSAT by up to 15% due to more responsive and effective customer service. 

3. Automation and AI Integration

Automation and AI transformed call center workflows in 2023. The integration of these technologies reduced the need for manual effort and minimized common errors. Most importantly, it streamlined workflows and enhanced efficiency, allowing call centers to navigate complexities with greater precision. The infusion of AI brought acute intelligence to decision-making processes, improving overall call center performance. 

In 2024, the synergy between these technologies and call center operations is set to become even stronger. The integration will move beyond routine tasks and leverage predictive analytics for smarter decision support. This evolution is expected to significantly enhance overall efficiency and allow agents to focus on complex interactions while further streamlining routine processes. A few examples of tools offering automation and AI Integration are Genesys, Twillo, Dialpad, Alvaria, and Verint Monet WFO.

Improving Workforce Management with Automation - A Case Study:

A prominent example of how automation and AI integration enhance call center workforce management is exemplified by Teleperformance, a global digital business services company. Before implementing AI solutions, the company was facing challenges with high call volumes and varying service quality. However, when it integrated AI-driven chatbots and automation tools in the business process the company improved efficiency significantly. AI chatbots now handle routine customer inquiries, reducing the workload on human agents.

This allows agents to focus on complex issues, improving service quality and customer satisfaction. Real-time analytics from AI tools enable better call routing and workforce optimization, ensuring optimal staffing levels and reducing wait times. As a result, Teleperformance achieved a 25% reduction in average handling times and a 30% increase in customer satisfaction scores. This demonstrates the transformative impact of AI in call center operations. (Source: Teleperformance)

Must-Have Features Of Call Center Workforce Management Tools
Image 2: Must-Have Features Of Call Center Workforce Management Tools

4. Employee Engagement Platforms

Employee engagement platforms were an essential tool for call center operations in 2023. It created a positive remote work environment and helped to maintain connections and motivation among dispersed teams. Looking back at this transformative year, these platforms emerged as vital tools for fostering a sense of belonging, with features designed to boost morale and collaboration. They facilitated seamless communication and allowed teams to stay connected irrespective of physical distances. 

As we move into 2024, the impact of these platforms is expected to deepen. The focus will shift towards personalized well-being programs, address mental health concerns, and enhance job satisfaction. The evolution of these platforms will lead not only to operational efficiency but also to the overall well-being and morale of call center teams. Some tools for employee engagement are WorkTango, 15Five, Lattice, Leapsome, Officevibe, etc.

Employee engagement platforms help improve job satisfaction, with engaged employees being 87% less likely to leave their job. According to a study by Gallup, this high level of job satisfaction translates into better performance and customer service.

5. Predictive Analytics Software

The use of predictive analytics software in 2023 transformed how call centers forecasted and scheduled their activities. Its predictive capabilities ensured a proactive approach to staffing needs, contributing to operational excellence. 

In 2024, the influence of predictive analytics is set to expand further. Real-time predictive analytics will empower call centers to respond dynamically to emerging trends and changing customer behavior. It will provide a strategic advantage in adapting to the evolving landscape. The tools that are commonly used for predictive analytics are Ringcentral, Time Doctor, CallMiner, Zoom Phone, Nextiva, etc.

Improving Workforce Management with Predictive Analytics - A Case Study:

An excellent example of how predictive analytics helps manage call center workforce is evident in the way British Airways managed its workforce. The airline faced challenges in managing call volumes and optimizing staffing. By implementing NICE Systems' Workforce Management solution, British Airways could forecast call volumes accurately based on historical data and predictive analytics.

This allowed them to schedule their staff more effectively, ensuring optimal coverage during peak times and reducing idle times during slower periods. The software's real-time adjustments and automated scheduling improved overall efficiency, leading to a 20% increase in customer satisfaction and a significant reduction in operational costs. This predictive analytics approach enabled British Airways to enhance their customer service and streamline workforce management. (Source: Change Management Insights)

Four Key Components of Workforce Management Software
Image 3 - Four Key Components of Workforce Management Software

6. Multichannel Support Solutions

In 2023, multichannel support solutions made it easier for call centers to handle customer interactions across various channels. The integration ensured efficient coordination and a cohesive customer experience. 

As we approach 2024, these solutions are anticipated to become more adaptive. The focus will be on seamlessly integrating emerging communication channels, ensuring a consistent customer experience across diverse platforms. The evolution of multichannel support solutions is poised to enhance customer interactions and satisfaction in the coming year. Nowadays, almost every call center software offers multichannel software to improve customer experience and satisfaction.

According to a report by Digizuite businesses offering multichannel support see a 9.5% year-over-year increase in customer satisfaction rates.

Call Center Workforce Management Metrics to Consider:

Here are seven key metrics used in Call Center Workforce Management:

  • Service Level: This metric measures the percentage of calls answered within a specified time threshold, such as 80% of calls answered within 20 seconds.
  • Average Handle Time (AHT): AHT represents the average duration of a customer interaction, including talk time, hold time, and any related tasks after the call ends.
  • Occupancy Rate: This metric indicates the percentage of time that agents are actively handling calls or performing productive work compared to the total logged-in time.
  • First Call Resolution (FCR): FCR measures the percentage of calls resolved on the first contact without requiring the customer to follow up.
  • Adherence to Schedule: This metric evaluates how well agents adhere to their assigned schedules, indicating the percentage of time they are available and working as planned.
  • Forecast Accuracy: Forecast accuracy measures how closely actual call volumes match the predicted volumes, helping to optimize staffing levels.
  • Agent Attrition Rate: This metric tracks the percentage of agents who leave the call center over a given period, which impacts continuity and training costs.

Call Center Workforce Management Best Practices

Effective workforce management is crucial for maximizing efficiency and performance in call centers. Here are some best practices to optimize workforce management:

  1. Forecasting and Scheduling: Begin with accurate forecasting of call volumes based on historical data, seasonality, and trends. Use sophisticated algorithms or software to predict peak times and adjust staffing levels accordingly. Scheduling should align with forecasted demand to ensure adequate coverage without overstaffing.
  2. Skill-Based Routing: Implement skill-based routing to connect callers with agents who possess the specific expertise needed to handle their inquiries. This reduces call handling times, enhances first-call resolution rates, and improves customer satisfaction.
  3. Real-Time Monitoring and Adherence: Continuously monitor call queues and agent performance in real-time. Track adherence to schedules and identify deviations promptly. Adjust staffing or redistribute workload dynamically as needed to maintain service levels and minimize wait times.
  4. Agent Training and Development: Invest in ongoing training and development programs to enhance agent skills and knowledge. Well-trained agents handle calls more efficiently, resolve issues more effectively, and contribute positively to overall customer experience.
  5. Performance Metrics and Analytics: Utilize key performance indicators (KPIs) such as average handling time, service level, and occupancy rate to assess operational efficiency. Analyze trends and metrics regularly to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.
  6. Flexible Work Arrangements: Offer flexible work arrangements such as staggered shifts, remote work options, or part-time schedules to accommodate varying agent preferences and optimize workforce utilization.
  7. Technology Integration: Leverage workforce management software that integrates seamlessly with other call center technologies like CRM systems and automatic call distributors (ACDs). This integration streamlines operations, enhances data accuracy, and supports better decision-making.
  8. Continuous Improvement: Foster a culture of continuous improvement by soliciting feedback from agents and supervisors. Regularly review processes, procedures, and technologies to identify opportunities for efficiency gains and service enhancements.
  9. Employee Engagement and Wellbeing: Prioritize employee engagement and wellbeing initiatives to reduce turnover rates and enhance job satisfaction. Happy and motivated agents are more likely to deliver exceptional customer service consistently.
  10. Compliance and Quality Assurance: Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards. Implement robust quality assurance processes to monitor interactions, provide feedback to agents, and maintain service quality benchmarks.

Benefits of Implementing Workforce Management in Call Centers

  • Optimized Staffing: Ensures adequate coverage by matching staff levels to call volumes, reducing idle time and overstaffing costs.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamlines scheduling and task assignments, maximizing productivity and minimizing downtime for call center agents.
  • Improved Customer Service: Reduces wait times and ensures prompt responses, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Cost Savings: Efficient resource allocation minimizes overtime and reduces the need for temporary staffing, leading to significant cost reductions.
  • Better Employee Satisfaction: Provides fair and predictable schedules, enhancing work-life balance and reducing burnout among call center employees.


As we look ahead to the changing dynamics of call center operations in 2024, the key to long-term success is strategically adopting the right strategy. The introduction of call center workforce management exemplifies this idea. It marks the beginning of an era focused on operational excellence and customer-centered strategies. Embracing these innovative solutions seamlessly aligns with the evolving demands of call center trends. 

However, implementing these innovative call center workforce management solutions in-house proves challenging due to complexities such as change management and resource allocation. Outsourcing emerges as the optimal strategy, offering specialized expertise and scalability while mitigating internal implementation hurdles. By leveraging external partners, organizations can efficiently adopt and integrate these advancements, fostering operational efficiency and enhancing customer satisfaction in the ever-evolving call center landscape of 2024.

Invensis, as a leading call center service provider, is fully prepared to equip call centers with transformative strategies to enhance efficiency, adaptability, and customer interactions. Contact us now to begin a journey towards improved performance and exceptional service delivery with our expert call center services in the competitive call center landscape of 2024.

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