How to Build Business Plan in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide
 Back Office

How to Build Business Plan in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ryan Thompson
Ryan Thompson
April 29, 2024
Last updated on:

April 29, 2024


Read time: 8 mins

A well-defined business plan serves as the roadmap for any successful venture.  It not only captures the core vision of the enterprise but also translates that vision into actionable strategies. A strong business plan is a comprehensive summary of a company’s both short-term and long-term goals, including the budget and quality and quantity of resources needed to propel the business towards its objectives.

Enterprises are expected to navigate challenges like a volatile economy, high-tech competition, etc., in 2024. The complexities will require enterprises to make a tectonic shift from their traditional business plans. They must design a roadmap attuned to current business issues and establish flexible goals that can evolve alongside ongoing changes. A clearly defined business plan attuned to modern reality provides clarity to stakeholders about the company’s objectives and strategies for success. These stakeholders include entrepreneurs, investors, lenders, employees, and strategic partners. 

With this in mind, the blog discusses how to build business plan in 2024 and manage your business effectively for the current year.

According to a report by Investopedia, approximately 20% of new businesses in the US fail during their first two years of operation due to a lack of a business plan.

What is a Business Plan?

A business plan is a formal document that outlines the goals, strategies, target market, and financial forecasts of a business. It serves as a roadmap for starting and growing a business, detailing the business model, organizational structure, product or service offerings, market analysis, and marketing strategy. The process of making a business plan typically includes financial projections such as income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets.

It is essential for securing financing from investors or lenders, as it demonstrates the viability and profitability of the business. Additionally, a business plan helps entrepreneurs stay focused, make informed decisions, and track progress over time. It is a dynamic document that should be regularly updated to reflect changes in the market or business environment.

Business Plan Example Types

Here are a few examples of business plan types across different industries and purposes:

  • Tech Startup Business Plan: This type of business plan typically includes sections on the product or service innovation, market analysis focusing on tech trends, competitive landscape, marketing strategy emphasizing digital channels, and financial projections considering scalability.
  • Restaurant Business Plan: For a restaurant, the plan would cover details like the concept and theme, target market (demographics and preferences), location analysis, menu design and pricing strategy, staffing plan, customer acquisition tactics (local promotions, partnerships), and financial forecasts (startup costs, revenue projections).
  • E-commerce Business Plan: An e-commerce business plan would outline the online business model (e.g., dropshipping, direct sales), target market segments (online shoppers, demographics), competitive analysis (other online retailers), digital marketing strategy (SEO, PPC ads), logistics and fulfillment plan, and financial projections (sales forecasts, profit margins).
  • Service-Based Business Plan (e.g., consulting): This plan would detail the consulting services offered, target industries or clients, marketing and client acquisition strategy (networking, referrals), competitive analysis (other consulting firms), pricing structure (hourly rates, project fees), operational plan (client engagement process), and financial projections (revenue goals, profitability).
  • Nonprofit Organization Business Plan: For a nonprofit, the plan would cover the mission and impact goals, target beneficiaries, programs and services offered, fundraising and grant acquisition strategy, partnerships with other organizations or stakeholders, operational structure (volunteer management, staff roles), and financial projections (budget allocation, funding sources).
  • Each business plan should include essential sections such as an executive summary, company description, market analysis, organization and management structure, product or service line, marketing and sales strategy, funding request (if seeking investment), and financial projections. The specific content and emphasis will vary based on the nature of the business and its goals.

According to a study published in Small Business Economics, it was found that entrepreneurs who take the time to develop a plan for their business idea have a 152 percent higher likelihood of initiating their business.

Best Ways to Write a Winning Business Plan in 2024

Let's delve deep into how to build business plan for small businesses in 2024:

1. Provide an Overview of Your Business Aspirations

The first and key step in detailing a business plan is providing an overview of the overarching business goal. This includes a company's mission, product or service, target market, financial highlights, and future missions. It is like an executive summary that briefs the entire business plan and allows stakeholders to grasp the essence of the business opportunity. It is crucial for making a strong first impression and generating interest in the business venture.

Businesses need to begin with a compelling introduction that clearly states the purpose of the business and its unique value proposition. The summary should also offer a brief overview of the market opportunity and the competitive landscape, concluding with a strong call to action to encourage further exploration of the business plan.

What Should You Include in Your Business Goal Overview?

  • Description of your business
  • Identification of opportunities
  • Unique selling points/differentiators
  • Funding requirements
  • Utilization of funding
  • Plans for success

Incorporating Objectives and Strategies Enhance Business Plans: A Case Study

One real example of a business plan that incorporates a company's objectives and strategies for success is Airbnb's initial business plan. Founded in 2008 by Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk, Airbnb's objective was to disrupt the traditional hospitality industry by offering a platform for individuals to rent out their homes to travelers. Its business plan has several key objectives such as disrupting the hospitality industry, community building, global expansion, scalability & growth and innovation and differentiation.

Airbnb, at the outset, aimed to challenge the dominance of existing and traditional hotels by offering unique and personalized lodging experiences through its platform. Secondly it focused on expanding its presence globally and targeting major cities and tourist destinations worldwide to attract both hosts and guests. Airbnb also aimed to foster a sense of community among hosts and guests, promoting trust and loyalty within its user base. In addition, this online marketplace for hospitality sought to differentiate itself through innovation, offering unique features, including user reviews, secure payment systems, and host verification processes to ensure quality and safety for all users. It also eyed on implementing key strategies for scalability by investing in technology infrastructure, marketing initiatives, and effective partnerships for rapid growth and long-term relationships.

By aligning its objectives with these strategies, Airbnb successfully transformed the hospitality industry, achieved widespread adoption, and became one of the leading online travel platforms.

(Source: Infostride)

Common Types of Business Plans
Image 1 - Common Types of Business Plans

2. Explain Your Business Model

A business model is a conceptual framework that outlines how a company creates, delivers, and captures value to sustain its operations and generate revenue. It can be broken down into multiple compartments dedicated to describing the core elements of the business such as value proposition, revenue streams, customer segments, channels, resources, activities, cost structure, etc.

When explaining a business model, a company should start by defining the value proposition. This could involve describing the specific problems or needs the company addresses. The description must highlight the distinctive features, functionalities, or benefits of its products or services. Similarly it should outline the revenue streams—how the company plans to monetize its offerings and generate income. This includes detailing the pricing strategy, such as pricing tiers, subscription models, or one-time purchases, as well as any supplementary revenue sources, such as advertising, licensing, or subscription fees. The business model should further cover customer segments based on demographic, psychographic, or behavioral factors. 

How to Build Business Plan Templates-Key Inclusions

  • Value propositions
  • Customer segments
  • Revenue streams
  • Cost structure
  • Key resources
  • Key partnerships
  • Communication channels

According to Harvard Business Review, entrepreneurs who craft detailed business plans have a 16% higher chance of achieving viability compared to their counterparts who do not engage in formal planning.

3. Present Your Market Analysis

The market analysis section of a business plan presents a detailed analysis of the industry, target market, and competitive landscape. It helps stakeholders get crucial insights into market dynamics, identify key players, assess market opportunities and challenges and more. Ultimately these data help them with informed strategic decision-making and market positioning.

When detailing market analysis, businesses must include an industry overview, market size, growth trends, and a detailed analysis of the target market's demographics, behaviors, and needs. Additionally, the section should cover the competitive landscape, including key competitors, their strengths, weaknesses, and market share. Furthermore, it should include any regulatory or market barriers that may impact the business. 

What You Should Include in Market Analysis?

  • Overview of the industry and market size
  • Target market demographics, including age, gender, income, location, etc.
  • Analysis of market trends, growth potential, and key drivers
  • Assessment of the competitive landscape, including major competitors and their market share
  • Identification of potential barriers to entry and any regulatory considerations
  • SWOT analysis for the target market
  • Market segmentation and positioning strategy
  • Sales projections and market penetration goals

How to Build a Business Plan for a Startup?

Developing a successful business plan for a startup begins with defining clear objectives and conducting thorough market analysis to grasp the competitive landscape and customer needs. Detailed offerings and an efficient business structure are essential for operational effectiveness. Tailoring a strategic marketing approach to target demographics and accurately projecting finances, including startup costs and revenue forecasts, are also crucial.

Finally, a well-crafted executive summary that highlights specific goals, key market insights, and a robust strategic framework ensures alignment with growth objectives and enhances appeal to potential investors and stakeholders.

4. Define Unique Value Proposition 

The unique value proposition (UVP) defines what makes a business unique and valuable to its target audience. It goes beyond listing features or benefits and resonates with customers by identifying and addressing their key needs, desires and pain points in a compelling way.

Businesses should conduct thorough market research to understand their target audience and competitive landscape to define a clear UVP. This involves analyzing customer demographics, preferences, and behavior, as well as assessing competitor offerings and market trends. Also, they need to emphasize how a business solution addresses a specific customer need or problem more effectively than alternatives. This could include factors such as product quality, functionality, convenience, price, customer service, or unique features. Moreover, UVP should be unique and differentiated and help businesses stand out in the market. It could be a proprietary technology, a new process, etc, which can compel the customers to choose your business over other available options.

How to Develop Business Plans Through a Unique Value Proposition?

  • Clear statement
  • Customer focus
  • Unique differentiations
  • Quantifiable value
  • Brand personality

Role of a Business Plan SWOT Analysis
Image 2 - How to Build a Business Plan: SWOT Analysis

5. Outline Your Sales & Marketing Strategy

Sales and marketing strategies are the calculated methods and tactics the businesses employ to attract customers, drive sales, and achieve its revenue targets. Sales strategies focus on the process of converting leads into paying customers, while marketing strategies encompass broader activities aimed at raising awareness, generating interest, and building brand loyalty.

The strategy should provide an overview of the target demographic and their behaviors and preferences. It must be followed by the outlining of marketing and advertising strategies, sales channels, pricing strategies, and any partnerships or collaborations for marketing purposes. One of the key components of this section is setting key performance indicators, tracking metrics, and adjusting strategies based on performance and market feedback.

How to Build Business Plans Through Effective Sales & Marketing Strategies?

  • Target market segmentation
  • Lead generation tactics
  • Sales channels & forecasting
  • Target audience
  • Branding and positioning
  • Lead nurturing
  • Marketing budget

What are the ways to determine the financial position of a company?

The financial position of a company can be determined through methods such as analyzing financial statements, assessing key financial ratios, evaluating cash flow, and examining the company's overall solvency, liquidity, and profitability.

To know more about this, read our blog: How to Determine the Financial Position of a Company

6. Outline Your Operational Plan

An operation plan delineates the specific procedures necessary to translate strategic goals into tangible outcomes. This plan encompasses various aspects of operations, including production, logistics, marketing, sales, customer service, and resource allocation. It outlines the specific tasks, timelines, responsibilities, and resources required to execute each operational activity effectively. Moreover, it identifies potential challenges, risks, and opportunities that may arise during implementation and suggests contingency planning to address them proactively.

When writing a business plan, it is essential to start by defining an organization’s operational objectives. These objectives should align closely with their overall business goals and provide a clear direction for operations. Likewise, businesses should detail the specific tasks and activities required to achieve each objective. They should break down actionable steps, assign responsibilities to individuals or teams, and set deadlines for completion.

According to research conducted on 1,000 would-be U.S. entrepreneurs over a six-year period (2005 to 2011) by HBR, it is estimated that entrepreneurs with formal plans are 16% more likely to succeed than those without plans.

What You Should Include in an Operational Plan?

  • Business processes
  • Facilities and equipment
  • Operational procedures & policies
  • Inventory management
  • Technology infrastructure

7. Outline Financial Projections

The financial projections present the anticipated financial performance of the company over a specified period. It typically covers revenue, expenses, cash flow, and other key financial metrics. This section provides a roadmap for the company's expected financial trajectory and helps stakeholders understand the potential return on investment.

When detailing financial projections, businesses should include realistic sales forecasts, cost projections, and cash flow estimates based on thorough market research and not based on assumptions. The section should cover profit and loss projections, balance sheet projections, and a break-even analysis, providing a clear picture of the company's expected financial position. Furthermore, it should include sensitivity analysis to account for different scenarios and their impact on financial outcomes. 

How to Build a Business Plan in 2024-25- Things to Track in Financial Projections

  • Sales forecast, including projected revenue by product/service and market segment
  • Breakdown of the cost of goods sold and gross margin analysis
  • Operating expenses projection, including salaries, marketing, rent, utilities, etc.
  • Cash flow projection, including inflows and outflows
  • Profit and loss (P&L) projection detailing expected income and expenses
  • Balance sheet projection, including assets, liabilities, and equity
  • Break-even analysis, indicating the level of sales needed to cover costs

8. Explain Funding Requirements

In a business plan, outlining funding requirements is crucial for securing the necessary financial resources to launch, operate, and grow the business effectively. This section provides a detailed breakdown of the funds needed to support various aspects of the business, including startup costs, operating expenses, and expansion initiatives. It typically includes a comprehensive assessment of both initial capital requirements and ongoing financial needs.

While detailing funding needs, businesses should specify the sources of funding that will be pursued to meet these requirements. This could include a combination of personal savings, loans from financial institutions, investments from stakeholders, crowdfunding campaigns, grants, or other forms of financing. The funding requirements section should also articulate how the requested funds will be utilized and the expected return on investment for investors or lenders.  

How to Build a Business Plan 2024-25 - Expenses that You Must Factor In

  • Analysis of the company's financial performance over the past few years
  • Key financial ratios and metrics, including profitability, liquidity, and leverage ratios
  • Breakdown of revenue sources and cost structure
  • Discussion of any outstanding debt or financial obligations
  • Cash flow analysis, including operating, investing, and financing activities

Difference Between a Business Template and Business Sample

  • Business Template: This is a blank document with pre-set sections and headings, designed to help you structure and write your own business plan. It provides a standardized format and prompts for the key information needed.
  • Business Sample: This is a completed business plan for a specific business, often used as an example. It showcases how all the necessary components come together in a real-world scenario, providing concrete examples of content for each section.
  • A business plan template guides the structure, while the sample offers a reference for its content.

9. Analyze Risks

Risk analysis is a critical component of a business plan, as it helps to identify, assess, and mitigate potential threats that could impact the success of the venture. It entails a comprehensive examination of internal and external factors that may pose risks to the business's operations, financial health, and overall viability. Internal risks include factors such as management team capabilities, operational inefficiencies, etc, while external risks cover market competition, regulatory changes, economic downturns, and more. 

In a business plan, it is essential to communicate the findings of the risk analysis transparently and accurately to stakeholders, including investors, lenders, and potential partners. Further, businesses should outline specific risk mitigation strategies and contingency plans designed to address identified risks. This may include measures such as diversifying revenue streams, implementing robust internal controls, securing insurance coverage, building strategic partnerships, or developing alternative sourcing or distribution channels. By demonstrating a thorough understanding of potential risks and a proactive approach to managing them, businesses can instill confidence in their ability to navigate challenges and achieve their objectives.

How to Build Business Plans- Key Risk Analysis Inclusions

  • Market risks
  • Financial risks
  • Operational risks
  • Legal and regulatory risks
  • Strategy and mitigation risks

10. Explain Exit Strategy

An exit strategy is a crucial component of a business plan that outlines how the business owners or investors plan to liquidate their investment and transition out of the venture. This strategy is essential for providing clarity and direction to stakeholders regarding the eventual sale, merger, or dissolution of the business. 

In this exit strategy section, businesses should outline different potential exit options available such as strategic acquisitions, financial buyouts, initial public offerings, management buyouts, etc. Additionally businesses should also provide details on criteria and considerations for selecting the most suitable exit strategy considering factors such as timing, valuation expectations, industry dynamics, and regulatory requirements. Moreover, it is also essential to explain the steps and processes involved in executing the chosen exit strategy. This includes identifying potential buyers or investors, conducting negotiations, due diligence, legal considerations, and transaction structuring. 

How to Build a Business Plan- Critical Exit Strategy Inclusions

  • Exit options
  • Criteria for selections
  • Timing & valuation
  • Communication strategies
  • Legal and regulatory considerations
  • Post-exit plans

What are the 10 Types of Business Plan

The ten types of business plans are:

  • Startup Plan: For new businesses outlining the steps to start.
  • Internal Plan: Focuses on internal goals and operations.
  • Strategic Plan: Long-term goals and the strategies to achieve them.
  • Operations Plan: Details of daily operations and processes.
  • Growth Plan: Strategies for business expansion and scaling.
  • Feasibility Plan: Assessing the viability of a new idea or product.
  • What-If Plan: Contingency planning for potential risks.
  • One-Page Plan: A brief overview for quick communication.
  • Lean Plan: A streamlined, flexible plan for agile businesses.
  • Nonprofit Plan: Tailored for nonprofit organizations focusing on mission and impact.


Businesses often face challenges in creating a comprehensive business plan, such as gathering accurate market data, conducting thorough financial projections, and formulating realistic growth strategies. Here, outsourcing can prove beneficial, as it allows businesses to leverage external expertise for market research, financial analysis, and plan development, ensuring a more robust and well-informed business plan.

At Invensis, we provide comprehensive back-office services, including marketing and financial analysis, strategic planning, operational planning, marketing and sales strategies, risk analysis, etc. We allow businesses to tap into the knowledge and experience of our professionals. This ensures the business plan is based on accurate and comprehensive data, leading to more informed decisions. Furthermore, we offer a fresh perspective and unbiased insights, which can be invaluable in identifying potential risks, opportunities, and competitive advantages for businesses. 

Contact us to develop well-informed business plans that serve as a strategic roadmap for future growth with our back-office services.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I start a beginner business plan?

To start a beginner business plan, begin with an executive summary outlining your business idea. Follow with a description of your products or services, target market, and competition analysis. Detail your marketing and sales strategies, including pricing and distribution. Include an organizational structure defining roles and responsibilities. Develop a financial plan with projected income, expenses, and funding needs. Finally, add an appendix with any supporting documents. Keep it concise and clear, focusing on key points.

2. What is the Difference Between a Business Plan and a Business Plan Template?

A business plan is a comprehensive document outlining a company's objectives, strategies, market analysis, financial projections, and operational plans. It is tailored to a specific business, providing detailed, actionable information for stakeholders. In contrast, a business plan template is a pre-formatted guide or framework that helps entrepreneurs organize and structure their thoughts. Templates provide standard sections and prompts, making it easier to create a customized business plan, but they do not contain specific content related to any particular business.

3. How to write a business plan for small business?

A business plan for a small business should include an executive summary, business description, market analysis, organization structure, product line, marketing and sales strategies, funding request, financial projections, and appendices. Such businesses should also focus on clarity, realistic goals, and detailed financial planning to ensure success.

4. What are the 7 steps of a business plan?

The 7 steps of a business plan includes: 

  • Define your vision
  • Conduct market research
  • Outline your business structure
  • Detail your products or services
  • Develop marketing and sales strategies
  • Create financial projections
  • Compile an executive summary 

These steps guide businesses on how to build a business plan effectively.

What are the five 5 elements of a business plan?

The 5 elements of a business plan are the executive summary, business description, market analysis, organizational structure, and financial projections. These components provide a comprehensive overview on how to build a business plan, detailing your business goals, market positioning, operational setup, and financial expectations to guide strategic decision-making.

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