How to Build Business Model for Success? 6 Effective Ways
 Back Office

How to Build Business Model for Success? 6 Effective Ways

Ryan Thompson
Ryan Thompson
April 26, 2024
Last updated on:

April 26, 2024


Read time: 7 mins

A business model is a framework that defines how a company generates revenue and delivers value to customers. It encompasses the organization's core strategy, including its target market, products or services offered, pricing, distribution channels, and revenue streams.

Building a business model is essential as it serves as a roadmap that aligns the organization's goals with market needs and opportunities. A well-defined business model clarifies the value proposition offered to customers, the revenue streams utilized, and the operational strategies employed.

However, many businesses encounter a myriad of challenges while building such a model. This includes market uncertainty, inadequate market research, and unclear value propositions. Additionally, limited resources, such as capital and expertise, may further impede the business model development process.

This blog delves into offering necessary knowledge on how to build business model and help businesses achieve sustainable growth and profitability.

According to a report by Global Banking & Finance, more than 70% of business leaders think subscription business models will be key to their prospects in the years ahead.

What is a Business Model?

A business model outlines how a company creates, delivers, and captures value. It defines the rationale of how an organization operates and generates revenue. Key components typically include the value proposition (what the company offers to solve customers' problems or fulfill needs), target audience (who the customers are), distribution channels (how products/services reach customers), revenue streams (how money is made), and cost structure (the expenses incurred to operate the business).

Business models vary widely across industries and can evolve over time in response to market dynamics and technological advancements. A robust business model aligns the company's strategy with its operations, ensuring sustainability and competitiveness in the marketplace.

Types of Business Models and Examples

Here's a table listing different types of business models along with examples:

5x5 Table
Business Model Description Examples
Direct Sales Products sold directly to consumers without intermediaries. Avon, Amway, Tupperware
Subscription Recurring revenue based on subscriptions for products or services. Netflix, Spotify, Adobe Creative Cloud
Freemium Basic services are free, but premium features require payment. Dropbox, LinkedIn, Evernote
E-commerce Buying and selling of goods or services over the internet Amazon, eBay, Alibaba
Marketplace Platform facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers. Airbnb, Etsy, Uber
Franchise Licensing of business model and brand to third-party operators. McDonald's, Subway, 7-Eleven
SaaS (Software as a Service) Subscription-based software delivery over the internet. Salesforce, Slack, Zoom
Advertising Revenue generated from advertising space or impressions. Google, Facebook, TikTok
Affiliate Marketing Earn commissions by promoting other companies' products. Amazon Associates, Commission Junction
Licensing Granting permission to use intellectual property for a fee or royalty. Disney (merchandising), Nike (apparel)
Agency Providing services on behalf of clients, charging a fee or commission. Marketing agencies, real estate agencies
Crowdfunding Raising funds from a large number of people via online platforms. Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe
Pay-Per-Use Charging customers based on usage or consumption of a product or service. Utility companies, cloud services

6 Proven Ways to Build a Winning Business Model 

Here are some of the best ways to follow to build a successful business model: 

1. Conduct Market Research & Analysis

Market research and analysis are fundamental components in constructing a robust business model. They involve a comprehensive exploration of the market landscape, encompassing customer behaviors, preferences, and needs, alongside an assessment of competitor strategies and industry trends. This process equips businesses with crucial insights to identify emerging opportunities and gaps in the market. By discerning customer pain points and preferences, companies tailor their offerings to effectively meet specific demands. 

Additionally, analyzing the competitive landscape allows businesses to pinpoint key competitors, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and identify areas where they can differentiate themselves. This knowledge helps businesses to strategically position themselves in the market, refine their value proposition, and fine-tune their target audience and pricing strategies. Therefore, market research and analysis lay the foundation for a robust business model and empower businesses to align their strategies with market needs, foster customer loyalty, and drive sustainable growth.

Tips to Conduct Market Research & Analysis

  • Define research objectives: Clearly outline what information you need to gather and why it's essential for your business model.
  • Utilize diverse data sources: Gather insights from various sources, such as surveys, interviews, industry reports, and competitor analysis, to avail a comprehensive understanding of the market.
  • Analyze customer behavior: Study your target audience's purchasing habits, preferences, and pain points to customize your business model to their needs effectively.
  • Assess market trends: Stay informed on industry trends, technological advancements, and consumer preferences to identify opportunities and potential threats to your business model.

How do growth strategies contribute to business expansion and sustained success?

Growth strategies facilitate business expansion by identifying opportunities for increasing market share, diversifying products or services, entering new markets, and optimizing operations. These strategies drive revenue growth, enhance competitiveness, and maximize shareholder value for sustained business success.

To know more about this read our blog: Successful Business Growth Examples and What You Can Learn From Them.

2. Define Your Value Proposition

The value proposition is like a business's unique selling point. It summarizes the specialities and benefits it offers to its customers. Therefore, by clearly articulating its unique solutions, the value proposition resonates with the target audience, addressing their specific needs, desires, or pain points. This clarity enhances customer understanding and streamlines customer acquisition and retention efforts by effectively communicating the value proposition. 

Moreover, the value proposition plays a multifaceted role within the business model, guiding various strategic decisions across product development, pricing strategies, marketing initiatives, and customer service protocols. It acts as a strategic compass, ensuring all business activities align with customer preferences and market demands. This alignment facilitates informed decision-making and optimal resource allocation, contributing to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the business model. Hence, a well-defined value proposition is critical to a successful business model, driving sustained customer satisfaction.

Tips to Define Value Proposition

  • Understand your target audience: Conduct thorough research to identify your market's specific needs, preferences, and pain points.
  • Highlight unique benefits: Clearly articulate your product or service's unique features and advantages that differentiate it from competitors.
  • Focus on solving problems: Emphasize how your offering addresses specific challenges or fulfills the unmet needs of your target audience.
  • Communicate value effectively: Craft a clear and compelling message that succinctly communicates the benefits and value your offering provides to customers.

3. Choose Your Revenue Model

Selecting an effective revenue model is critical for shaping a business's financial framework. This decision determines how a business generates income and sustains profitability over time. There are various revenue models to consider, such as subscription-based, transactional, advertising, licensing, or freemium models, each with its own advantages and challenges. When choosing a revenue model, businesses must assess factors like the target market, industry dynamics, and competitive landscape to ensure viability and scalability. 

The selected revenue model directly influences pricing strategy, customer segmentation, and resource allocation. Additionally, it impacts customer acquisition and retention strategies and overall business profitability. By carefully evaluating revenue model options and selecting the most suitable one, businesses can establish a solid financial foundation for their business model and optimize revenue generation.

According to Media Makers Meet, the subscription economy is projected to reach $1.5 trillion by 2025.

How to Build Business Models by Choosing the Best Revenue Model

  • Analyze industry trends: Study revenue models commonly used in your industry and evaluate their effectiveness and suitability for your business.
  • Understand customer preferences: Consider your target audience's preferences and purchasing behavior to choose a revenue model that aligns with their needs and expectations.
  • Evaluate scalability: Assess the scalability of different revenue models to ensure they can accommodate future growth and expansion of your business.
  • Consider pricing flexibility: Choose a revenue model that allows for flexibility in pricing strategies to accommodate changes in market conditions and customer demand.
How to Build a Business Model: Step-by-step Lifecycle
Image 1 - How to Build a Business Model: Step-by-step Lifecycle

4. Design Your Distribution Channels

The distribution channel encompasses the various channels through which goods or services are marketed, sold, and delivered to customers. This includes direct sales, online platforms, retail partnerships, or distribution networks. Businesses must align with these distribution channels, customer preferences, and market dynamics to maximize reach and accessibility. This includes exploring the advantages and disadvantages of different distribution channels and determining the optimal mix that balances cost-effectiveness with customer satisfaction. 

Additionally, businesses must invest in logistics and fulfillment systems to ensure timely delivery and superior customer service. By designing a distribution channel that meets customer needs and effectively delivers value, businesses can enhance their competitive advantage and drive revenue growth.

Challenges and Opportunities in Common Distribution Channels

5x5 Table
Distribution Channel Challenges Opportunities
Direct Sales Finding and maintaining a direct sales force can be costly and resource-intensive. Allows for direct customer interaction, fostering stronger relationships and feedback loops.
Retail Partnerships High competition for shelf space and retail relationships. Access to established customer bases and foot traffic in stores
E-commerce Platforms Managing logistics and fulfillment can be complex and expensive. Global reach and scalability with minimal initial investment
Wholesale Distribution Finding reliable wholesale partners and managing margins. Bulk sales lead to higher revenue per transaction and broader market reach.
Franchising Balancing brand consistency with franchisee independence. Rapid expansion with minimal capital investment and local market expertise.
Omnichannel Approach Integration challenges between online and offline channels. Seamless customer experience across multiple touchpoints, maximizing sales opportunities

How to Build Business Models Through Well-designed Distribution Channels

  • Consider market reach: Choose distribution channels that allow you to reach your target market effectively, such as online platforms, retail partnerships, or direct sales.
  • Evaluate cost-effectiveness: Assess the costs associated with different distribution channels and choose ones that balance cost and effectiveness.
  • Ensure scalability: Design distribution channels that can scale with your business growth and accommodate increased demand without compromising efficiency.
  • Prioritize customer experience: To enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, focus on delivering a seamless and satisfying customer experience across all distribution channels.

5. Build Strategic Partnerships

Strategic partnerships play a vital role in enhancing the capabilities and reach of a business model. By collaborating with other businesses, organizations, or stakeholders, businesses access new markets, technologies, resources, or expertise that may not be available internally. Strategic partnerships can be of different forms, such as joint ventures, alliances, licensing agreements, or supplier relationships. It depends on the key objectives and requirements of the business. 

Through strategic partnerships, businesses leverage complementary strengths, share risks and costs, and create synergies that drive mutual value and competitive advantage. These types of partnerships also enhance innovation, accelerate product development, and expand market reach. This enables businesses to capitalize on new opportunities and sustain growth in a rapidly evolving marketplace.

How to Build Business Models for a Startup Through Strategic Partnerships

New players require instant market insights and ready expertise to build business models that are pro-market, pro-customer, and pro-growth. Partnering with third-party experts can be a game-changer, offering the expertise and guidance needed to turn a start-up’s vision into a reality.

  • Identify complementary businesses: Look for companies in related industries or sectors whose products or services complement yours.
  • Define partnership objectives: Clearly outline the goals of the partnership to ensure alignment and mutual benefit.
  • Research potential partners: Conduct detailed research to identify potential partners with a strong reputation, compatible values, and a track record of success.
  • Establish mutual value: Determine how each partner can contribute to the partnership and the value they will receive in return.

4 Common Types of Business Model
Image 2 - 4 Common Types of Business Model

6. Foster Innovation and Adaptability

A culture of innovation and adaptability is necessary to build a resilient and future-proof business model. In today's dynamic business environment, businesses must continuously innovate and adapt to changing market conditions, technological advancements, and customer preferences. Likewise, by encouraging creativity, experimentation, and risk-taking, businesses can identify new opportunities, improve existing offerings, and differentiate themselves from competitors. Similarly, innovation can take various forms, including product innovation, process improvement, business model innovation, or technology adoption. 

Additionally, businesses must cultivate an agile mindset and organizational culture that embraces change and responds proactively to emerging trends and disruptions. By fostering innovation and adaptability, businesses can stay ahead of the curve, capitalize on new opportunities, and navigate challenges more effectively.

Tips to Foster Innovation & Adaptability

  • Encourage a culture of innovation: Build an environment where employees can share ideas, experiment with new approaches, and challenge the status quo.
  • Invest in research and development: SAllocate resources to research and development efforts to explore new technologies, products, or processes that can drive innovation.
  • Embrace agility: Adopt agile methodologies and processes to adapt quickly to shift in market conditions, customer preferences, and technological advancements.
  • Foster collaboration: Encourage cross-functional collaboration and knowledge-sharing among teams to generate innovative ideas and solutions.


A successful business model will be indispensable in the future as businesses confront intricate market dynamics. It will enable agility, fortify resilience, and allow businesses to navigate the turbulent tides of change and secure enduring success in a volatile business landscape

However, businesses anticipate encountering various challenges while constructing a business model. It includes rapid technological advancements, evolving consumer preferences, and intensifying global competition. Therefore, to keep pace with changes, businesses will have to look for specialized expertise, extensive resources, and continuous innovation, which may strain internal capabilities and resources. This is where outsourcing will play a vital role by offering access to specialized skills, knowledge, and resources that may not be available internally.

At Invensis, we utilize our extensive experience and expertise across various industries and offer tailored solutions to address critical aspects of business model development. Our experts guide organizations for this through conceptualization, designing and refining their strategic frameworks. Also our expertise lies in understanding the intricate dynamics of various industries, market trends, and consumer behaviors. This allows our experts to tailor business models that align with our clients' goals and objectives. Additionally, we provide strategic guidance on factors such as pricing strategies, distribution channels, and resource allocation to optimize the model's effectiveness. 

Contact us to realize your vision of success in today's dynamic and competitive business landscape through robust and adaptable business models with our back office services

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to build a business model from scratch?

To build a business model from scratch, start with identifying a market need or opportunity. Define your unique value proposition, revenue streams, and key resources. Consider cost structure, customer segments, and distribution channels. Iterate through prototypes and validate assumptions with market feedback. Refine based on insights gained, ensuring scalability and profitability.

2. Which business model is best for beginners?

For beginners, a simple and straightforward business model like the "Freemium" model or "Subscription" model can be effective. These models offer predictable revenue streams and are relatively easy to implement and scale. Additionally, service-based models where you offer skills or expertise (consulting, freelance services) can be low-cost to start and manage, requiring minimal initial investment.

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