What Is a BPO Call Center: A Detailed Guide on Types, Benefits and Workflow
 Call Center

What is A BPO Call Center: A Comprehensive Guide with Pros and Cons

Sophia Williams
Sophia Williams
October 27, 2023
Last updated on:

October 27, 2023


Read time: 5 mins

A BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) call center is a strategic business partner that provides specialized and outsourced customer service and communication solutions to organizations across various industries. These centers employ trained agents to handle a wide range of customer inquiries, such as product information, technical support, order processing, and issue resolution. BPO call centers employ advanced technologies and multi-channel communication tools to engage with customers via phone, email, chat, or social media.

This blog will shed light on what is a BPO call center, what do they do, types, pros and cons.

As reported by Forbes customers who enjoyed the finest experience were proven to increase their spending by 140% compared to those who had a subpar or unsatisfactory experience.

How Does a BPO Call Center Work?

To understand how a BPO call center works, let us take an example of an eCommerce business that needs to handle customer queries on quality issues. The business partnered with a BPO call center to manage its operations. 

When a customer encounters a problem with a purchased electronic device, he contacts the customer support hotline, managed by the BPO call center. Next, a well-trained agent listens to the issue, registers the complaint, and arranges for a swift replacement if necessary. 

If the product is eligible for replacement, the agent guides the customer through the process. It includes guiding the customer with the replacement policy, providing the return merchandise number, and initiating a replacement order. Also, once the replacement process is initiated, the agent provides the customer with a reference number or tracking information to check the replacement status. Next, the agent assists the customer in scheduling the return of the faulty device and arranges for the delivery of the replacement. 

After that, once the replacement device arrives, the agents support setting up the new device and transferring data from the old one. The agent guides the customer throughout the process and addresses any questions or concerns. The agent also follows up with the customer to ensure that the replacement device functions correctly, takes feedback on the replaced and previous product, and resolves issues to their satisfaction. At the end, the agent seeks feedback from the customer about their experience with the entire process. Once the customer confirms satisfaction, the agent closes the case officially after documenting it accordingly. 

What is the future of call center technology?

The future of call center technology will likely involve AI-driven chatbots, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, personalized customer experiences, omnichannel integration, remote work capabilities, and enhanced cybersecurity measures for data protection.Read our blog, 'Top 10 Call Center Technology Trends to Watch Out For in 2023, to know the future trends in call center technology.

Types of BPO Call Centers

  • Inbound Call Centers: Handle incoming customer calls, typically for support, inquiries, and issue resolution. Focused on customer service and providing information.
  • Outbound Call Centers: Make outgoing calls for sales, surveys, and follow-ups. Aim to generate leads, sell products, and conduct market research.
  • Technical Support Call Centers: Provide specialized assistance for technical issues, often for IT products and services. Agents are skilled in troubleshooting and problem-solving.
  • Customer Service Call Centers: Address general customer inquiries, complaints, and service requests. Prioritize customer satisfaction and effective communication.
  • Help Desk Call Centers: Offer support and information to internal employees or external customers. Often used for IT, HR, or administrative assistance.
  • Order Processing Call Centers: Handle order placements, tracking, and processing for businesses. Ensure accurate and timely fulfillment of customer orders.
  • Appointment Scheduling Call Centers: Organize and manage appointments for various businesses. Ensure efficient scheduling and reduce no-shows.

What is BPO vs Call Center? Key Differences

BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) encompasses a broader range of outsourced business operations beyond just call handling, such as back-office tasks like HR, accounting, and IT services. Call centers, on the other hand, specifically focus on managing inbound and outbound calls. While call centers are a subset of BPO, BPO includes a wider array of services aimed at optimizing business processes and efficiency.

Pros of Using BPO Call Centers

Here is the list of BPO call center advantages:

1. Scalability and Flexibility

BPO call centers offer remarkable scalability and flexibility for businesses. They can quickly adjust to accommodate fluctuations in call volume or changing business needs. Whether a company experiences seasonal spikes in customer inquiries or seeks to expand its operations, BPO centers can seamlessly scale up or down its resources and staffing. 

This dynamic adaptability ensures that businesses can maintain a consistent level of service, respond promptly to market changes, and efficiently manage resources without the constraints of fixed in-house capacities. It also provides the agility needed to thrive in a dynamic business environment.

2. Cost-Efficiency and Savings

This is one of the primary pros of using BPO call centers. Businesses can reduce their operational expenses by delegating customer support functions to BPO centers. It helps them eliminate the need for in-house infrastructure and personnel. 

BPO centers often operate in regions with lower labor costs, further contributing to cost savings. This allows businesses to allocate resources strategically, invest in core competencies, and achieve better financial performance while maintaining high-quality customer service.

According to Deloitte, outsourcing customer service has been shown to lead to a 30-60% decrease in operational costs.

3. Focus on Core Business Functions

BPO call centers allow businesses to concentrate their efforts and resources on core functions. Businesses can redirect their energy toward strategic activities like product development, marketing, and innovation by delegating their routine customer support tasks. 

This laser focus on core competencies can increase competitiveness and growth, enabling organizations to allocate resources more efficiently and maintain their competitive edge in the market. 

The Role of Outsourcing Call Center Services to a BPO: A Case Study

In 2003, British Telecom (BT),a multinational telecommunications company, facing operational challenges in managing customer service, outsourced its call center operations to India. This marked a significant shift in its business strategy. This decision aimed to leverage cost-efficiency and 24/7 service capabilities provided by skilled labor in India. By partnering with Indian BPO firms like Infosys and Wipro, BT expanded its customer service reach globally while reducing operational costs by up to 40%.

The move allowed BT to focus on core competencies while enhancing customer satisfaction through improved service levels and reduced wait times. India's abundant English-speaking workforce and favorable economic environment provided a conducive outsourcing environment. This strategic outsourcing decision not only streamlined BT's operations but also set a trend in the telecommunications industry, encouraging other global companies to explore outsourcing for competitive advantage.(Source: DesiBlitz)

4. Improved Customer Service and Satisfaction

BPO call centers contribute significantly to improved customer service and heightened satisfaction levels. With the help of professionally trained agents dedicated to handling customer inquiries and issues, businesses deliver consistent, high-quality support. Prompt response times, personalized interactions, and 24/7 availability enhance the customer experience. 

All these things lead to greater customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, and generate positive word-of-mouth referrals, ultimately enhancing a business's reputation and bottom line. BPO call centers are pivotal in shaping a business's customer-centric approach and driving long-term success.

Industry Standards for Service Level in BPO Call Center
Image 1 - Service Level Guidelines for BPO Call Centers

According to IBISWorld, revenue in the telemarketing and call center industry has grown at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 0.9% over the past five years, reaching $30.8 billion. This growth includes a notable 3.9% increase in 2023 alone.

Cons of Using BPO Call Centers

Here is a list of BPO call center disadvantages: 

1. Potential Communication Challenges

One of the notable cons of BPO call centers is the potential for communication challenges. These arise from language barriers, cultural differences, and geographical distance. Misunderstandings and miscommunications can also lead to customer frustration and negatively impact brand reputation. Therefore, it is essential to focus on carefully selecting third-party partners, rigorous training, and effective communication strategies to mitigate these challenges and ensure seamless customer interactions.

2. Security and Data Privacy Concerns

Dependency on BPO Call Centers can raise security and data privacy concerns. When delegating customer interactions, sensitive information like personal details and financial data may be exposed to third-party agents. Ensuring the security of this data becomes crucial. Mishandling or breaches can result in severe legal and reputational consequences. To mitigate these risks, businesses should establish robust data protection protocols, select BPO partners with stringent security measures, and maintain strict oversight over data handling processes.

3. Risk of Service Quality Fluctuations

BPO call centers also come with the inherent risk of service quality fluctuations. Factors like agent turnover, inconsistent training, or misalignment with a business's values can lead to variations in the customer service experience. Moreover, maintaining consistent service excellence requires vigilant oversight and collaboration with third-party partners to ensure that performance standards remain high and align with the brand's expectations and values.

4. Loss of Direct Control Over Processes

This is one of the most notable drawbacks of employing BPO call centers. When functions are delegated, businesses relinquish hands-on management, which can result in reduced control over service quality, adherence to brand standards, and the ability to implement immediate changes. Therefore, businesses should strike a balance by establishing clear communication channels and governance frameworks to maintain oversight while benefiting from BPO call centers. 

5. Cultural and Time zone Differences

Navigating cultural and time zone disparities can be challenging when relying on BPO call centers. Differences in work culture, holidays, and business hours can result in communication gaps and delays in issue resolution. Furthermore, misaligned expectations due to cultural nuances may negatively affect customer interactions. To mitigate these issues, businesses should establish robust communication protocols and cultural training programs and consider third-party partner locations to ensure seamless global operations.

Roadmap to Choose the Right BPO Partner
Image 2 - How to Select the Idea BPO Outsourcing Partner

Why Should Businesses Outsource a BPO Call Center?

  • Cost efficiency: Outsourcing BPO call centers often reduces operational costs through economies of scale and labor arbitrage.
  • Focus on core activities: Allows businesses to concentrate on core competencies without distractions from non-core functions like customer support.
  • Scalability: Easily scale operations up or down based on business needs without investing in additional infrastructure or hiring.
  • Access to expertise: Gain access to specialized skills and technologies in customer service management and call handling.
  • 24/7 customer support: Provides round-the-clock support to customers across different time zones, enhancing service availability and satisfaction.
  • Risk mitigation: Outsourcing shifts certain operational risks (such as staffing issues and regulatory compliance) to the BPO provider, reducing business liabilities.


The future of BPO call centers is poised for significant transformation. As automation and AI technologies advance, BPO call centers will experience increased efficiency and reduced routine tasks. However, they face challenges such as adapting to rapidly evolving technology, maintaining high-quality customer interactions, and ensuring data security and compliance.

To address these challenges, partnering with industry experts becomes imperative. These experts can provide crucial insights into emerging technologies, help design and implement AI-driven solutions for enhanced customer experiences, and guide BPOs in navigating complex regulatory landscapes.

Invensis, as an industry expert, brings its wealth of experience to assist businesses in adopting the latest technology, streamlining their business operation, and staying ahead of the curve. We are your trusted ally in navigating the future of BPO call centers and their operational complexities with confidence and success. Contact us to be assured that your business is in capable hands with our call center services.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does BPO mean in a call center?

BPO in a call center stands for Business Process Outsourcing. It involves contracting third-party services to handle specific business functions, typically customer support, technical assistance, or sales. BPO providers help companies streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and focus on core competencies while maintaining service quality and cost-effectiveness.

2. What is BPO in simple words?

BPO means hiring another company to handle certain business activities like customer support, payroll processing, or IT services. It allows companies to focus on core functions while saving costs and gaining specialized expertise from external providers.

3. Is telemarketing a BPO call?

Yes, telemarketing is a type of BPO call. It involves using a third-party service provider to handle outbound or inbound sales calls, customer service, or market research. BPO call center companies manage telemarketing operations to help businesses reach potential customers, promote products or services, and enhance customer engagement and satisfaction.

4. What is the difference between a BPO and a Contact Centre?

A BPO refers to outsourcing various business operations, including customer service, HR, accounting, and IT services, to third-party providers. A Contact Centre, however, specifically handles customer interactions, such as phone calls, emails, and chats. While a Contact Centre is a component of BPO focused on customer communication, BPO encompasses a broader range of outsourced business functions.

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